Thoughtful Gifts


Simply Neat Gift Certificates

Having trouble figuring out that perfect gift? Whether it’s for a birthday, Mother’s Day, Christmas, or just because, a gift certificate from Simply Neat makes a perfect gift for that special someone who has everything. (Warning! I wouldn’t recommend this for a Valentine’s Day gift!)

Click here for more information and to get your gift certificates now.


The Now of Happiness Book

Kimberly Englot is brilliant! She has put into words so many things that I've been thinking and feeling about my own happiness for years.

The Now of Happiness book is a blessing for everyone’s soul. The book is packed with inspirational quotes, beneficial exercises, and amazing tools to help clear the emotional clutter that holds us back from true happiness.

The Now of Happiness book is a thoughtful gift for anyone!


The Intentions Box

A positive lifestyle tool that gives you an easy way to focus on your goals and dreams and move them forward.

The Intention Box is a positive lifestyle tool that gives you an easy way to focus on a change you’d like to make, move it
forward, and experience success.

The Intention Box is designed especially for women – a quick way to calm your mind, declare your intention, and begin
the process of change. Using it is simple, quick, and really works.

Makes a perfect gift!




Don DeBoer, Dance Lessons

So many people have been dreaming of learning how to dance for as long as they can remember.  That's why giving dance lessons as a gift makes a perfect clutter-free gift for all of those dreamers.

Don DeBoer at Four Seasons Dance Studio in Minneapolis teaches latin dance classes.  He also offers private lessons if you're looking for an extra little boost in your dance skills.  I've been taking private lessons and classes with him for several years now and have learned a ton.  He breaks down the moves so they're easy to understand and he's an incredibly patient teacher.

Don will offer 10% off your private lessons when you mention Simply Neat.

Simply Neat Products

Visit the Simply Neat Products page to check out some fabulous eBooks, teleclasses and more!  Tons of priceless tips and tricks to help you get and stay organized! 

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